10-4 Magazine

Words of Wisdom from SharLeigh

A Tribute to Unconditional Love

Some of us search all our lives for “unconditional love” and/or a “soul mate” to complete our lives. Those words have been tossed around so much does anyone really understand the meanings? According to the dictionary, unconditional love is a noun and means affection with no limits or conditions; complete love. What about a soul mate? Soul mate is also a noun and means one of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view or sensitivity. Does that sound like a tall order? Maybe not. That search for such love may be right at our fingertips. It may be a love that each of us take for granted. Everyone who has a pet knows that type of love. All you have to do is come through your door after a long haul and look at the excitement in their eyes. The next time you come in and give them a hug and a hello, just take a look at their body language. That is pure love. Pets give us pure love each and everyday. Many people claim that pets are one of the most important health tonics. There are studies that show how calming a pet is to its owner. Having such a companion can lower your blood pressure, calm your stress, relieve your loneliness and may increase your life. Pets help us get through change and losses of loved ones. They sense our needs and are there for us. Nothing is more comforting than to have one of those little critters curl up in your lap when you are sad. Pets are a constant source of comfort. When you ask another about their pet, watch their eyes light up. True pet lovers have a very deep and abiding love for their little critters. They understand how such a small animal can be all heart. Many people scoff at such feelings, but once you have a pet you will understand. Each pet truly picks their owners and bestows the gift of love. When they leave us, it is sad, but the memories are dear. I am a firm believer that when we pass on our pets are waiting for us with patience and love. This article is dedicated to my Snow; a beautiful feline companion for over 10 years. She is truly “love wrapped in fur”.

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