10-4 Magazine



This month’s Readers And Their Rigs comes to us from Richard Kerr of Central Valley Roll-Off & Recycling (CVR) in Visalia, California. Actually, the credit for getting our attention should go to his wife Lorraine, who pulled us aside at the antique truck show in Tulare and made sure we took notice (and pictures) of their bright yellow Peterbilt. But we were glad she did. Purchased about a year ago, this 2005 Model 335 features a small C-7 Cat engine (for fuel efficiency), a 5-speed automatic transmission and extra heavy duty axles. Since the company is fairly new, they wanted this truck to stand out and be a rolling billboard, so they ordered it with bright yellow paint, had light yellow ghost flames added, chromed the hydraulic lift cylinders and added polished full fenders. Inside the cab, driver Dwayne Neve replaced every stock piece that he possibly could with a chrome replacement, including the glove box, kick panels, toggle switches and more. Richard and his partner Willem De Boer started the company two years ago with a used truck and six used bins. Today, in addition to the new Peterbilt, they also have forty new bins - all painted bright yellow like the truck. Focusing mostly on recyclable products, dairy and construction refuse, CVR currently services Tulare and Kings County. Richard drove a truck for almost 20 years, and then took a sales job at a local feed company eight years ago. He still works at Western Milling and runs CVR on the side with a lot of help from his wife, who does much of the paperwork and keeps the books. Married for 18 years, Richard and Lorraine thought it was a good idea to start their own business and attempt to build a solid future for their kids. We wish everyone at CVR all the luck and thank them for making sure we didn’t miss them at the antique show in Tulare.

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