Cancer sucks! It is heart wrenching to watch those we love go through it and, on a different spectrum, to see children have to endure it.…
Author: Stephanie Haas
Having been a location in over 100 films plus the “Dukes of Hazzard” and “Vampire Diaries” television shows, Covington, GA is known as “Film Town” for…
Butte is a city in Montana that thrived from producing more mineral wealth than any other mining area in the world and was one of the…
I thoroughly enjoy attending charity events within the trucking industry that are truck shows geared to benefit foundations, organizations or families within the community. I found…
Georgia is known for a lot of things, and I am learning that big iron is one of them! Georgia is a state rich with history…
Montana is famous for its harsh winters and uncrowded spaces, but these days, it is also known as the home of sweet rides. Nestled in northwestern…
As a town full of history and small-town country values, Perryville, MO is a city which deserves to be a stopping point to travelers going through…
As most truck show attendees know, truck show season is filled with plenty of shows for every taste and the list of events throughout the season…
As most may or may not know, the shows I attend are planned months ahead of time. For the most part, I am prepared for what…
Everyone knows there is a gulf coast, west coast and east coast, but what about the Midwest? There are no oceans to be found in the…
This year (2019) marked the 20th Anniversary of the Big Iron Classic truck show and my fourth year in attendance. As anyone who has been to…
2019 marked the 30th anniversary of the Great Salt Lake Truck Show in Lehi, UT. This year’s show, held on August 9-10, was both a celebration…
Sometimes it isn’t where you were born that becomes home. Sometimes it takes a bit of moving around to finally find a place to call home…
July 19th and 20th marked the 5th annual Gulf Coast Big Rig Truck Show at the MS Coliseum and Convention Center in Biloxi, MS. As a…
The state of Missouri is known for many things including the starting point for the famed Pony Express, the tallest man-made national monument in the United…