Someone close the door… it’s time to put the past behind us! Joy, joy, joy, hope springs eternal, and all that jazz. This is a new year and therefore we have the opportunity to start over again. Some of you have made resolutions to change your presumed bad habits, but most of them will be forgotten in a short period of time. So, what’s different about this year that makes it stand out from all the others? Nothing. It’s not the year that makes the difference, it’s the time, our time in history, yours and mine. This is a time when anything is possible if you are willing to reach out and grasp the many opportunities now available.
Most of our younger readers have heard of the “Golden Age of Television” or music, and there are many other good examples. Some of us are old enough to remember a few of those wonderful things and pine for their return. Most importantly, we wish for the return of pride, prosperity, and principals in our lives. The incoming president said in his acceptance speech on November 5th that America is entering a new age – a Golden Age of Prosperity. I don’t want to dwell on the election, but the people have spoken and spoken loudly. I am extremely proud of our truck drivers who took the time to vote. They made the choices that can and most likely will offer new and exciting opportunities in the future. We can now hope for a new direction of leadership in all those three letter agencies, who govern our industry, and therefore our lives.
There are new expectations that the Chevron doctrine (you can look it up) will be overturned, and control will be returned to the courts, not dictated or administered by the agency that writes the regulations. That means some of those onerous and unpopular regulations imposed by the EPA and other agencies will get rolled back. Can we just say no and goodbye to the “new green energy deal”? That also includes the state of California and the CARB nonsense they have put upon so many of us. These things affect not just those of us who move goods across this great land, but also the people who used to manufacture them, as well. “Bring back the jobs!” This should be our new battle cry.
No longer should our government be giving free money to people who don’t deserve it, haven’t earned it, or who wasted years of their lives attending “higher education institutions” and now can’t or won’t pay it back – especially when we have hard working individuals stretching their resources to cover the most basic of needs. Many of them are those of you who make their living with trucks and the many aspects of trucking. It’s time to focus on making this nation great again and prosperous again. That means rolling up our sleeves and getting back in the fight. Sure, a few of us might get punched in the nose or slapped in the face, but nothing worthwhile is gained without some sacrifice. This (trucking)has never been an easy job or even an overly generous one, but it is our job, and once again, we can make it great!
Every month I read about young drivers wishing for the “Good Old Days” of trucking, or the “Old School” ways, and many think they can’t ever happen again. Are you among them? Are they really gone forever, or just missing in action? It’s a new year – let’s rejuvenate our energy, redirect our actions, and reach for the road map leading to that payday palace. Smokey the Bear says, “Only you can prevent forest fires,” but today, I want you to be the firemen and women who extinguish the dumpster fire of the last few years. There, I said it!
We have been living through four years of the worst trials, tribulations and, in general, troubled times of my career. It started during covid – remember when people hung signs from overpasses thanking truck drivers and calling them heroes? Well, that didn’t last long. The price of equipment skyrocketed, and then rising operating costs followed, and the latecomers to the game paid a horrific price. Those $200K price tags for used equipment may have looked promising at the time, but the reality of cheap freight soon tarnished the prospect of any get-rich-quick schemes, leaving a path of scorched earth and ashes, and making life harder for those who have been in this deal for the long haul.
In case you’re wondering why I’m so optimistic about this year over the last few years, I will enlighten you. There is a new sheriff in town (Washington D.C.) and, along with him, there are a few more conservative senators and congressional people, too. That means that if he (the President) gets his way, we might see fewer new regulations dictating how we run our businesses here in these United States. Along with that, there is hope that some of the outdated and downright unnecessary rules will eventually be removed from the books, as well.
In his campaign he told us he wants to bring jobs back to our shores. That means manufacturing products here in the good ol’ U.S.A. like we used to. For every worker we put on the assembly line or plant floor and get off the unemployment rolls, there will be trickle-down effects. Someone needs to bring in the raw materials for all these products, and someone will need to haul out the waste or discarded trimmings.
That means trucking jobs, local work, and specialty niche work for so many of us who have parked our dump trailers and scrap wagons. It also means we have to spend less time dealing with the inbound port systems from other countries, most of which benefited from our loss of manufacturing jobs. It won’t be the incoming President that “Makes America Great Again” – it will be people like you and me who do the heavy lifting or, in this case, the moving.
I’m really excited for the next few years and to see new ideas and more faces enter our industry. I’m sure I will eventually be replaced by some new technologies and much more modern equipment, but the opportunities for the next generation of drivers, for now, are exhilarating. Now, don’t get ahead of yourselves here and run out to buy more equipment or that new truck, just yet. Let’s let the market catch up. Inflation is still at an unacceptable rate and will need to be reduced in order for this to happen. This could take a minute before the tables turn and freight rates rise to an acceptable level.
As it stands today, we have too much equipment available for the freight that needs to be moved. That translates to cheap rates and makes it a shipper’s market. If I were to offer any advice, it would be to hold fast and keep your eyes on the horizon. When opportunities do arise, and in time they will, be prepared. Have your house in order, or in this case, your truck ready to move. I’m not just preaching this to you, I’m actively doing the same thing.
Now is still a good time to seek positive purchases – things like new tires or oil and filters. The normal items you will need regardless of the times. With the truck sales market in a slump, the dealerships need to attract sales, so they are offering some great savings. I’m seeing national warehouses selling big ticket items at greatly reduced prices.
If you can, take advantage of corporate pricing when it is offered. Case in point: I just purchased eight new drive tires at a considerable savings, along with free delivery. Some of you might be wondering what I consider to be “considerable savings” – how about $200 plus per tire! Not only was I able to get tires now, but I was also able to buy a better tire, all because I was prepared to move when the sale was on. Cash is still king, and the cheapest money you will ever spend is that which you have on hand. Note to self: now is not the time to buy any more new toys!
Those of our readers who follow my writing each month know I’m not a spend thrift. I like nice things, but not to the point of extravagant behavior. I mention this because I plan to write a follow-up article about the tires, and their process of incorporation into my maintenance program. Until we get this economy rolling again, all of us need to stay on course, and not out-spend our budgets. I still remember when I was learning to drive and my instructor kept repeatedly preached, “Stay in your lane and never pass on a double yellow line!” Do I think good times are coming? You bet I do! It’s the “when” that I’m not sure about. Until we get inflation and fuel prices down, we should not move on expansion. I see those two things as my double yellow line.
This country didn’t get in this tough economic situation overnight, and we won’t get out of it quickly, either. Be prepared for a slow start up. This too is tied to the new administration and the pick for the leaders of the money and banking institutions (like the Federal Reserve). The current chairman was nominated by President Trump in his first term and he resided during the last administration, but he may be replaced by a new leader to change the direction of the fed. One of the key elements for economic growth is cheaper money, and along with that is cheaper petroleum. It is the lifeblood of this nation, and every developed country, as well. And we are sitting on an ocean of it right here at home. It’s going to take money to “Drill Baby Drill” so everyone needs to be on board if we are going to get the train to prosperity rolling again.
Your current ride may not be the showpiece you dreamed it to be, but it’s still YOUR ride. Keep in mind, those show horses down at the rodeo grounds may look good in the ring, but if you take them to the hills, they probably won’t hold up to a real workout. There’s an old refrain, “Chrome won’t take you home, but it looks good on the side of the road.” These old trucks are a lot like a good saddle horse – they may not look great sitting in the parking lot, and the minute you saddle one up, they act out. But after they buck a couple times, they settle into the routine, and then let you guild them. So, with that in mind, “Hang on buddy, it’s gonna be a rough ride!”
We may have a few false starts, or even some pitfalls, before things settle down, and a few of you may get bucked off and have to dust yourselves before climbing back on. Just like that bucking bronco, when you try to reign in a free spirit, they will fight you. But, with perseverance and renewed confidence, we will prevail. We will reinstate pride, patriotism, and the promises associated with this land of opportunity. John Wayne once said, “No one wants to ride into danger, but when it’s time, we just do it!” None of us know for sure what is coming, and it could be dangerous, so what’s your play? Well, I for one am saddled, the cinch is tight, and my hat is pulled down. So, let go of that gate and ride boldly into 2025, 10-4!