Merry Christmas everyone! All I did was turn my head for one second, and someone let December in!! A little heads-up might have been nice. Summer ended, elections are over, and here we are, feasting on Thanksgiving leftovers and cranking up the heat in the house – or are we? As we all know, hurricane season hit hard this year in the southeastern region of the U.S. This means that too many of our fellow Americans – our friends and neighbors – are not able to celebrate the holidays or enjoy the comforts of their own homes, since so many of them lost everything in the path of destruction left by hurricanes Helene and Mitchell. What an absolutely unimaginable circumstance to endure! From the comfort and safety of my own living room, way up here in the Pacific Northwest, far removed from the wave of destruction at the other end of the country, I see the footage and my heart just breaks for those of you who are directly affected. But the good news is, help is on the way! I am totally impressed with the selflessness and determination of the local heroes down there affectionately known as “the Cajun Navy” and who have stepped up to help their communities. No regard for political preference, ethnicities, or social status, just people helping people (and people helping animals). I have also seen the big rigs rolling in from all over the country, bringing supplies and food to support the needs of perfect strangers. I’m particularly proud of the American truck drivers, always rolling in whenever there’s a need. No matter who you are, if you are offering your time, talent or treasures to help others in need, then you are acting as the hands and the feet of Jesus. He uses willing people to carry out His plans. I want to thank anyone who has so selflessly stepped in to ease the pain and suffering of our fellow citizens. This is what it means when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and say the part about being “one nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for all.”
By Trevor Hardwick
The winds came with a vengeance,
And the rain kept pouring down.
Communities were washed away,
As the storm blew into town.
The water rose and lights went out,
The roads have disappeared.
The images and aftermath,
Are worse than we had feared.
But here comes the feet of Jesus,
Hammer-down in the Monfort lane.
Big rigs from the land of freedom,
With loads of love just to ease the pain.
Here comes the loving kindness,
Brought to town by the hands of God.
Reaching out through the “Cajun Navy,”
And reaching around the grand facade.
As people search for friends and neighbors,
Devastated by the dreadful sight.
Hopelessness can be overwhelming,
When no one seems to hear their plight.
Homes were torn from their foundations,
Trees were ripped up from their roots.
Then help comes from a perfect stranger,
With willing hands and muddy boots.
And here comes the sound of thunder,
Not the kind from a thundercloud.
Rather from the diesel engines,
Loaded up and roaring loud!
Here come the willing servants,
The ones who care how others feel.
Provisioners from the King of kings,
Riding in on eighteen wheels.
Many folks lost everything,
Others cling to what they have left.
Desperate for a helping hand,
And gasping for a deeper breath.
It won’t be long ‘til the network cameras,
Turn their lenses to a fresher feed.
But rest assured you are not forgotten,
As friends and neighbors see your need.
And here comes Americana,
The stuff that makes us who we are!
Coming from the near and far.
And here comes the loving Father,
Using those with a willing heart.
Showing up just to help somebody,
And that’s a damn good place to start!