After 20 years since leaving New York for California, we are back again, and to the world famous Manhattan, no less. We came for our son Konrad (14) to play street chess, as “The Big Apple” is the most active place to play this old game. Chess masters of all levels like to sit in the parks, waiting for other locals or tourists, willing to play in exchange for a $5 to $10 donation. We traveled on the subway, as cars are so inconvenient to have here, trying not to bump into the thousands of people walking the streets at a fast pace. People from all over the world are here – even if you are good at guessing accents, you still stand no chance at guessing right. And everyone is not only dressed up, but also nice and welcoming! How in the world can they do EVERYHING so differently, yet still deliver such a nice outcome? Then, all of the sudden, this beautiful 359 Pete emerges from the busy background, and in a split second, it put my mind at rest. We (truckers) deliver to these amazing people. He had building materials on his flatbed, to keep the roof over their kids, and we had just delivered a load of beef, to keep them all fed. We are all part of this amazing architectural success called the United States of America! Seeing Manhattan helps us to understand and keeps the Spirit of THIS American Trucker alive!!