“Dreams do come true!” ~ Marty Lash
“I work for the Cross family, and they treat me like family. If I need to be home, they will get me home with no questions asked. When I got sick with Covid in January, Dean and his wife came 400 miles out of their way and took my load on to the west coast and let me bounce 700 miles so I could be home, which I’m thankful for because I ended up in the hospital and off work for two months. But they honestly care about their drivers, their families, and the equipment we have. They go out of their way to make sure we are happy and enjoying what we’re doing. I enjoyed trucking and made a good living my first ten years at it, but these last four years with the Cross family I have loved more than ever! I’ve never been around so many hard-working passionate people until I started working for Cross and pulling for STBI. Dreams do come true!” ~ Marty Lash (36) of Otsego, MI.